Tuesday, September 16, 2014

First Meeting Of The Season - September 13, 2014

 Our first get together of the season was held on Saturday, Sept. 13. It was nice to welcome our visitors, JoAnne Newman and Cathy Gilbert from the Northwest Polymer Clay Guild in Seattle. 

This clay play day was hosted by Nancy Quinn. Topic for the day was silk screening and Miss Nancy did a fine job of demonstrating this technique.

She used some of Tina Holden’s silk screens available from Tina’s Etsy shop,

Carole Marshall  and Eileen are paying strict attention to the Demo.

Joan Tayler gifted each attendee with one of her handmade Lark Bunting Beads. The Lark Bunting is the Colorado state bird and Joan has just recently returned from a retreat in Colorado.

April, Joan and Ellen

Our next get together will be on Saturday Oct.11and will be hosted by our co-founder, Joan Tayler. Our clay play theme will be extruders and this versatile tool’s use of the many new extruder discs available. We look forward to a good turnout for this fun day of playing with clay so start conditioning your clay.